In the introduction to every series of Skill Sheets four levels of skill proficiency are specified:
- Level 1: Entry level Bachelors
- Level 2: Exit level Bachelors
- Level 3: Exit level Masters
- Level 4: Postgraduate level
You should develop your active reading skills in every phase of your academic career (and thereafter!). The levels of skills proficiency below provide an indication of the skill proficiency you should minimally aim for.
Level 1
- Reading is reproduction and memorizing-oriented as preparation for exam
- Re-active
- Acquire an attitude to consult relevant pubic media regularly and systematically
- Textbook-oriented (only read what is required)
- Aimed at recognizing and reconstructing argumentation
- Slow reading speed
Level 2
- Reading is aimed at understanding as input for exams and short papers
- (Re)Active
- Consult the appropriate popular scientific literature for a project and exams
- Textbook and popular scientific literature-oriented
- Aimed at identifying good and bad argumentation (including fallacies in argumentation)
- High reading speed of popular text, slow for scientific literature
Level 3
- Reading is aimed at gathering and finding relevant information and as input for further research
- Active
- Consult relevant top scientific journals in research projects
- Aimed at understanding why particular argumentation fallacies develop
- Knowledge of the editorial formula of most important sources
- As input for own argumentation
- Scanning skills are optimized and reading speed for scientific texts is increasing to high
Level 4
- Reading is aimed at gathering relevant information for the present position (effective reading of organizational writings, media as well as relevant scientific literature)
- Pro-active attitude: continuously searching for relevant new media
- Continuous training of speed reading skills