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The Book

Skill Sheets is a practical resource for understanding and developing core skills that all university students need to obtain. In a very concise manner, this book shows how these skills are related and how one can develop and work with many skills simultaneously. With these skills to hand, students are able to maintain a better focus on the content of their course. Developed and at RSM Erasmus University, it has been thoroughly tested over many years by both students and professors, and improved accordingly.


Rob van Tulder, Professor of International Business-Society Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam/Rotterdam School of Management. He holds a PhD degree (cum laude) in social sciences from the University of Amsterdam. Published in particular on the following topics: European Business, Multinationals, high-tech industries, Corporate Social Responsibility, the global car industry, issues of standardisation, network strategies, smaller industrial countries (welfare states) and European Community/Union policies.

How to purchase

The book – Skill Sheets – An Integrated Approach to Research, Study and Management - (2018, ISBN 9789043033503) can be ordered directly online by clicking one of the following links depending your country of origin:

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International buyers International buyers

TED Talk(s) for management

The internet offers a wide variety of information on Skills. Skill Sheets has made a selection of TED Talks that may be useful in your Skill Development. Skill Sheets cannot take any responsibility for the content of the pages behind these links.

1. Simon Sinek: how great leaders inspire action (see below)

2. David Christian: the history of the world; a story of collective learning (see below) 

3. Yves Morieux: As work gets more complex, 6 rules to simplify. Because today's businesses are increasingly and dizzyingly complex . So it falls to individual employees to navigate the rabbit's warren of interdependencies. Morieux offers six rules for "smart simplicity. (TED Talk)

4. Dan Pink:  examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. On autonomy, mastery and purpose. (TED Talk)

'An Integrated Approach to Research, Study and Management'